INTERVIEW: Meet Sidney Clifton - An Animation Industry Trailblazer!
Interview with Emmy-nominated producer Sidney Clifton
“You have the right to change your mind. You are not stuck. You’re evolved. And no time or experience is a waste. ‘Stuckness’ is a signal that’s it’s time to change direction and find the path that lights you up and it’s not always easy.” - Sidney Clifton
Hey hey!! This is our second interview for Sisterhood Cinema and we are excited that it is with Sidney Clifton, an Emmy nominated producer who is a trailblazer in the world of animation. Not only has she worked with greats like Stan Lee, Maya Angelou, Tyler Perry and Naomi Judd but in 2015, she was the first black woman to tour potential animation studio locations in Havana, Cuba at the invitation of Casa Productura and CubaVision. Clifton also mentors and trains up young artists and is currently in the process of raising funds for The Clifton House - a cultural center that will serve as a space for artists to transform their culture through the art that they create, and for them to grow while doing so:
SN: They will be relaunching the fundraising campaign in Q1 2020 - you can keep up with the project here!
Check out the interview along with other links about Sidney, below:
1. You were an executive producer on 'Black Panther' - what exactly does this role entail? What were your day-to-day tasks?
This experience was slightly different because I was brought in during the production. The job in this case was to oversee the creative, casting and voice talent aspects of the production. To make sure that the line producer, voice records and creative notes remained on schedule. I was a liaison between the production and the network, so my goal was that elements ran smoothly, notes and issues were addressed, that voice records ran smoothly, and that communication between production, client (Marvel) and the network was clear and timely.
2. What was your first job? How did it prepare you for the work you are doing now?
My first industry job was as the Executive Assistant to the Senior Vice President of Operations at Fox Sports Net. It was an amazing opportunity to strengthen every muscle necessary as a producer: time management, scheduling, creative problem-solving, clear communication, conflict resolution, people management, and re-calibrating when schedules and resources shift---all while maintaining a positive, team mentality.
3. Netflix recently released an anime show with an all black cast, this is very rare for anime and it shows that there are changes happening in the animation industry . What do you see for the future of people of color in animation?
When people of color drive the storytelling, the needle can shift; whether or not it happens quickly is another issue. When stakeholders in the industry see that content featuring, written, directed, and/or produced by people of color is financially lucrative, then people of color are granted more access. That said, our willingness and expertise in driving our stories and owning our narrative must not be driven by whether or not "the industry" accepts us, our stories or perspectives. We must create, own and drive our stories regardless of the state of any industry.
4. You were head of recruitment for Bento Box Entertainment. From your perspective, what are some of the main qualities that set someone apart from other candidates?
Passion, persistence, and professionalism definitely set candidates apart from others with similar skills and resumes. Additionally, someone who is excited about continuous learning, has solid self-awareness, and healthy perspective always makes great impressions on hiring managers.
5. Can you let us know about the Clifton House? Why do you want to create a space for creatives to blossom - why is it necessary?
I want to create this space for several reasons; primarily driven by what the house meant to my siblings and I when we were growing up there in the 70's. Our parents were phenomenal leaders in the Baltimore community, and our house was a haven for emerging and established artists, writers and activists. The Clifton House insures that this legacy continues, and is enhanced by internet connection to remote locations, allowing us to run workshops, classes and seminars with remote writers and artists worldwide. Providing support and access helps develop young artists' sense of themselves and their place in the world.
6. What do you enjoy most about being an executive producer for Deluxe Animation/Stereo D?
I most enjoy collaborating with the team at Deluxe Animation Studios; we are currently in production on an animated series and multiple one-off projects in multiple styles. Working with creators, artists and our team to produce exciting content is my favorite part of the job.
We also wanted to include this interview that Sidney Clifton did with the Ringling ART Network - great info about career pivots, mentorship and ones responsibility as an artist:
And here is the Commencement Speech that Clifton did with the Ringling College of Art and Design - super inspirational:
And finally, we wanted to share that Clifton is the Senior Consultant of Training and Development for Black Women Animate, the first and only production company designed to improve the representation of black women in animation. The organization is teaming up with Cartoon Network to have a one day boot camp in Los Angeles on 10/12/2019. You can find more info and sign-up here: